Friday, August 19, 2011

Good Samaritan or Stupid?

So last night I delivered a $17 order to a not so good area. The man went in his car, got his wallet and gave me a $100 bill, thinking it was a $20 and told me "keep the change". Without thinking I said,"This is a $100". and he was surprised at his mistake and swapped it for a $20 thanking me. His mom or whatever thanked me too and gave me $11 extra dollars mistakenly as well, because she gave me a 10 and a 1, and i heard her shout earlier saying she had two dollars, unaware one of them was a $10.  So instead of a potential $94 tip I got a $14 tip.

Good Samaritan or Stupid? web site analytics backorder domain names yahoo domain domains name registration web hosting


  1. i would have kept that 100. youll never see them again

  2. You did the honorable thing but I probably would've taken the money haha.

  3. You did the right thing, although I'm sure it was awfully tempting. Good on you. +Followed

  4. you did the right thing for real man.... 100 would be nice though :P

  5. There was this rich guy that would order once a month and somehow, by pissing everyone of with chance and luck, I always got that delivery. He would order 12 bucks of food, and give you $100! First time he gave me a hundred, I said I don't have change, he said I must be new, laughed and said have a good day. I said, shit, I'm gonna an awesome day! :)

  6. I think you did good, you have a stronger willpower then me.

  7. i would just have take the money impressive that you didnt!

  8. you payed it forward. you should throw up some pizza delivery delated pics on here. it'd add to the pizza boy swag experience.

  9. All about Karma!

    Check out my blog at

  10. hey what goes around comes around right

  11. I would've just kept 100. You're silly.

  12. Good samaritan. That said, I'm a bad person, and TOTALLY would have kept the 100.

  13. good you did the right thing. I probably woulod have looked at the first bill and said thanks, and left. but good for you :D

  14. Let no good deed go unpunished eh?

  15. you're just honest thats all. good guy!

  16. Honest man doing his job, I respect that.

  17. How did they get $111 with such a minimal mental state?

  18. Karma will pay you back big time, something to look forward to ;)

  19. Good Samaritan or Stupid?
    Depends on their wealth! If they were upper middle class or higher you should have taken the tip without complaining.
    On the other hand if they are middle class... i don't know.
    And of course if they were poor then yeah you're a good samaritan and my hero!

  20. You're honest and this is what's missing in the world

  21. Any plans to revive your blog and post more, or did you stop delivering pizzas?

  22. Hey..Now Vocelli pizza always ready for preparing new Flavors of pizza with appropriate full quantity salads.We make pizza that keeps people talking, eating and sharing with family and friends.We also offers services like home delivery and office delivery.for more details visit at:-

  23. New website for delivery drivers includes free maps and real time traffic alerts visit

  24. Hey! I delivered pizzas for years and me and 2 others made a cartoon about it. We only have 1 episode so far, more to come this summer! Hope you like it, and it helps ease your delivery driver pain : )
